Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Email Marketing for Business

Email Marketing

The Basics: Getting Started With Email Marketing
As an account manager, I’ve had the chance to work with hundreds of companies starting out with email marketing over the year. I’ve seen that those willing to invest some initial time to learn and apply basic best practices tend to enjoy better delivery and more success with their email campaigns. MORE ...

Email Promotions versus Email Newsletters
When many people think of "email marketing," they think of opt-in email promotions. That is, where you buy a product online and click on the check box for "send me periodic mailings with news of related products and services from XYZ, Inc." Then, once a month, you get a short promotional email. MORE...

Smart Email Marketing Guidelines for 2010
To make the best of a tough economy, more marketers are looking for cost effective methods to reach prospects and customers. As email activity and competition grows, the need to plan, create and maintain smart campaigns becomes even more important. MORE...

Back to Basics: 5 Fundamentals for Building Successful Emails
Email marketers are in an ongoing quest to send emails that make an impact and generate responses. They tirelessly fret over crafting the perfect message or offer and strategies for breaking through inbox clutter. Then they scrutinize results for hints of what to do more of or less of in the next round. MORE...

Google Analytics: Using Metrics to Track and Improve Email Marketing Results
Marketing professionals know that careful, accurate, and constant campaign tracking and analysis are just as important as delivery itself. Your email marketing campaigns, integrated with Google Analytics, make this possible—and easier to do than ever before. MORE...

Time to Prune Your Email Marketing Lists
Email marketers need to exercise a green thumb when it comes to managing their subscriber lists. Regular list maintenance is crucial to maintaining high deliverability. Simple steps like removing certain departmental email addresses, removing email addresses that continually soft bounce, and not sending to lists that produce a high percentage of complaints can keep email campaigns blossoming all year long. MORE...

Ten Tips for Building a Good Email List
An email campaign is only as good as the list it is sent to. The question from marketers then becomes, “How do I build a great email list?” The following tips can help all email marketers build their most valuable asset; the email list. MORE...

What if Your Email Messages Are Never Opened?
The next time you create an email campaign, try to use a ‘from address’ and ‘subject line’ with the assumption that no one is going to open your message. I know this seems backwards, but trust me on this one. Most of us put our energies in to creating a clever subject with the sole intention of getting the content opened. MORE...

Creating Email Newsletter Campaigns that Work
E-newsletters are a great and inexpensive tool for communicating with many different audiences, which makes them popular for communicating with current and prospective customers. E-newsletters and promotional emails alone make up about 62 percent of all emails sent, and e-newsletters specifically are projected to grow another 58 percent by 2013. MORE...

Battling the Spam Button
Nothing strikes fear in the heart of an email marketer like the thought of a recipient hitting the spam button. All that time spent on creating content, sending and reviewing test messages, only to have someone completely reject the message as “Junk.” It truly is a cold, hard world. MORE...

Some Elements of Good and Bad Subject Lines
It is hard to overstate how important the subject line is to the success of your permission-based email marketing campaigns and email newsletters. First, the subject line is the first writing recipients see and is often the determining factor on whether they open the email or move on to something else. MORE...

What if Your Email Messages Are Never Opened?
The next time you create an email campaign, try to use a ‘from address’ and ‘subject line’ with the assumption that no one is going to open your message. I know this seems backwards, but trust me on this one. Most of us put our energies in to creating a clever subject with the sole intention of getting the content opened. MORE...

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